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Top 10 benefits of FS apps

Why Us
Here are the top 10 reasons why FS apps are a great investment for your organization.


Plug-and-Play Business Applications

FS provides cost-effective, plug-and-play business applications that leverage the CorasWorks-SharePoint platform. We have done the design and building so that you can be immediately productive. No need for installation and maintenance of custom dll’s. No need for additional servers or software. Download, install, and get productive.


Runs on the Microsoft SharePoint

SharePoint is now the world’s leading business collaboration platform. FS apps can run on all versions of Microsoft SharePoint including Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and MOSS 2007 (Standard or Enterprise)


Leverages the CorasWorks Application System

FS apps are built using CorasWorks, the world’s leading application platform for SharePoint. They leverage the CorasWorks-SharePoint platform to enable a plug-and-play experience. CorasWorks takes care of the upgrade path on future versions of SharePoint allowing us to focus on delivering the business functionality you need to be successful.


Reasonably Priced

Because we leverage CorasWorks and SharePoint and don’t have to support custom code, we are able to offer our apps at a highly competitive, and, reasonable price. Further, because of our platform approach your ongoing maintenance costs for FS apps are vastly reduced.                                                                                                                                                                       


Server Based License – Run Anywhere, Grow – No Additional Cost

FS Apps are licensed per web server allowing for unlimited users. You can use multiple instances of the app on a server. Further, FS apps can be run On-Premises or on an Online Service supporting the CorasWorks-SharePoint platform. Unlike competitive offerings on wholly online services you have a choice - you can have control over when and how you run our applications. And, you have no per user fees. Grow, expand, improve - at no additional cost.

CorasWorks Ready for Work Certified

FS apps are certified as “Ready-for-Work” by CorasWorks. This means that they have been reviewed by CorasWorks and that they contain no custom dll’s, and, work on the CorasWorks-SharePoint platform out of the box.

DLL Free

FS Apps do not contain custom DLL’s that need to be installed on the platform. We leverage the CorasWorks – SharePoint functionality. The application configuration and logic is contained in non-code, configuration files that are part of the application. This eliminates the need for custom code installation, reduces complexity, cost and vendor risk, and, insures upgrade compatibility.


It is easy to customize our apps using the standard CorasWorks Builder Wizards and native SharePoint functionality. You can change your data such as adding or removing fields or lists. You can connect the apps to additional data sources across a SharePoint environment. You can extensively modify displays to meet your precise needs. You can add business functionality and extend the application. This is all easily done using the CorasWorks-SharePoint wizards that provide point-and-click customization.


Because FS apps are built on a common platform, you can integrate our apps with other apps built with CorasWorks and SharePoint. Integrate data, connect apps to apps, distribute functionality, connect to distributed or external data sources, and, even reuse functionality from our apps in other apps. Application integration has never been so easy.  

upport Included and No Vendor Lock In

We provide telephone and email support for our apps. You get three incidents for each app. In addition, we provide unlimited online support through the CorasWorks Community forums. Additional support plans and customization services are available. Because our apps are on the CorasWorks-SharePoint platform, you can even get support from third-parties.